Baremetal QuickStart

Install Dependencies on the controller node

Commands in this section will use the system package manager, and run with root privileges. It is recommended to use python virtual environments to install chi-in-a-box and kolla-ansible.

  • Install Python dependencies and jq

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -f -y \
    python3 python3-virtualenv python3-venv virtualenv \
  • Ensure /usr/bin/python links to python3

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1

Initialize cc-ansible's virtualenv and deps

  • cc-ansible will install all of its own dependencies into a python virtualenv, located inside the chi-in-a-box git checkout directory. You'll need to do this before running other cc-ansible subcommands.

./cc-ansible install_deps

Initialize the site configuration

  1. Check out this repository:

    git clone
    cd chi-in-a-box
  2. Initialize your site configuration by running ./cc-ansible init. This will place a default site configuration into ../site-config. You can specify a different location by running

     ./cc-ansible --site ../site-config init
  3. For example, running ./cc-ansible --site /opt/site-config init should output:

    # Encryption successful
    # The beginnings of your site configuration were installed to /opt/site-config.
    # To use this site configuration automatically for future commands, you can
    # set an environment variable:
         export CC_ANSIBLE_SITE=/opt/site-config

    This will set the CC_ANSIBLE_SITE env var to point to this site configuration path for convenience. Consider adding it to your deploy user's login script. Example for bash:

    echo "export CC_ANSIBLE_SITE=/opt/site-config" >> ~/.bashrc

    Commands after this point assume that the environment variable is set.

    To override, use ./cc-ansible --site <path/to/site> <command>

Configure networking on the controller node

If you are only using two interfaces, you must do some additional configuration to avoid losing access during install (and other, hard to debug issues)

Host Networking Configuration

Site-Specific Configuration


  • Edit the Ansible inventory of your site configuration to include the hostname of the node you are installing to. By default, the controller node can also be network, monitoring, and storage. It should look like this:

    # These initial groups are the only groups required to be modified. The
    # additional groups are for more control of the environment.
    # No compute node; this is a baremetal-only cluster.
    localhost ansible_connection=local

    Note If you used ./cc-ansible init this may have been done automatically for you.


  • Update the "host_vars" file for your host to include the correct names of the network interfaces you want to use.

  • network_interface should be set to the name of the private interface (or bridge if only two interfaces) you chose

  • kolla_external_vip_interface should be set to the name of the public interface (or bridge if only two interfaces) you chose

    # for host with hostname "chihost"
    # file: inventory/host_vars/chihost.yml
    network_interface: eno1
    kolla_external_vip_interface: eno2


Provide a certificate matching the hostname, which must resolve to the chosen public IP.

The certificate must be placed in ${CC_ANSIBLE_SITE}/certificates/haproxy.pem

An HAProxy PEM file is a concatenation of the certificate, any intermediate certificates in the chain, and then the private key.

cat certificate.crt intermediates.pem private.key \
    > ${CC_ANSIBLE_SITE}/certificates/haproxy.pem


  1. The following keys are mandatory for the install to complete. Set the values as appropriate to your setup.

    openstack_region_name: CHI@XYZ
    chameleon_site_name: xyz
    kolla_internal_vip_address: <spare IP on private subnet>
    kolla_external_vip_address: <spare IP on public subnet>
  2. If you haven't been provided a keystone_idp_client_id by your federated ID provider, disable it for now:

    enable_keystone_federation: no
    enable_keystone_federation_openid: no
    keystone_idp_client_id: null
  3. To give nodes internet access, at lease one internal and one external network must be enabled.

      - name: physnet1
          - 200:249
          - 250:300
        bridge_name: br-eth1
        external_interface: <neutron internal interface, or veth-internalb if only two interfaces>
      - name: public
        bridge_name: br-ex
        external_interface: <neutron public interface, or veth-publicb if only two interfaces>
        # This should be your public IP block assigned to your deployment.
  4. To enable bare metal provisioning, provide a vlan and subnet for ironic to use. This vlan should be included in the neutron on_demand_vlan_range above.

    ironic_provisioning_network_vlan: 200

Bootstrap the controller node

  1. Bootstrap your controller node by running ./cc-ansible bootstrap-servers With the default configuration, it would be:

    ./cc-ansible bootstrap-servers

    This will install Docker on your target node and put SELinux into permissive mode

    currently Kolla containers do not have working SELinux profiles.

  2. Reboot if needed to apply SELinux changes

  3. If you plan to run the provisioning tools as a non-root user, you will need to allow access to Docker. One easy way is to add the user to the docker group, though this effectively gives the user root access. The deploy will install docker, but at this point you'll need to create the group manually.

    sudo groupadd -f docker
    sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

    Log out and back in, and check your group membership using:

    #cc adm wheel systemd-journal docker

Verify Configuration with Pre-Checks

  • kolla-ansible has a set of roles under prechecks to ensure that the system configuration is consistent and avoids known edge cases. Run these via the command

    ./cc-ansible prechecks
  • For example, if the subnets configured in defaults.yml do not match your interfaces, an error will be thrown here.

  • Similarly, kolla-ansible is not compatible with the service nscd, and will require that it be disabled before succeeding.

Pull container images

All Chameleon services are packaged as Docker containers and they need to be downloaded to your host machine(s) as a first step. This will take a while depending on your connection.

  1. The Chameleon Docker registry requires authentication. use the read-only password kaQBdG9PRwlpTzknnhfGmvPf

  2. run the following command, and set the value for key docker_registry_password

    ./cc-ansible edit_passwords
  3. Pull the container images.

    ./cc-ansible pull

Deploy container images

Once the images are pulled, you can run the "deploy" phase, which sets up all the configuration for all the services and deploys them piece by piece.

./cc-ansible deploy

Note: if you encounter errors and need to re-run the deploy step, which is expensive, you can skip parts you know have already succeeded. You can watch the Ansible output to see which "role" (service) it is updating. If you know a certain role has completed successfully, you can try skipping it on the next run with the --skip-tags option, e.g. --skip-tags keystone,nova to skip the Keystone and Nova provisioning. You can persist these by uncommenting their lines in kolla-skip-tags

Run post-deployment configuration

Once the deployment is complete, there should be a more or less functional OpenStack deployment that you can log in to. The admin credentials can be seen using ./cc-ansible view_passwords under keystone

However, much of the bare metal functionality will not work, as there are a few special entities necessary, namely:

  • A provisioning network on its own VLAN, which Ironic must know about

  • Access on that VLAN to the Ironic TFTP server

  • A "baremetal" Nova flavor that is used to allow users to schedule bare metal deployments

  • Ironic deploy images available in Glance that hold the deployment ramdisk/kernel

  • A special "freepool" Nova aggregate used by Blazar to manage node reservations

All of these will be provisioned by running the post-deploy script:

./cc-ansible post-deploy

Set Default PXE Boot Image

After running post-deploy, two new images will have been downloaded, and added to glance, named pxe_deploy_kernel and pxe_deploy_ramdisk.

Ironic needs to be configured to use these images to netboot nodes, and you'll need the UUIDs that glance assigned to them. Get them either from Horizon, under images, or by running openstack image show <name>.

To set them as default, add the following to your defaults.yml

ironic_deploy_kernel: <pxe_deploy_kernel_uuid>
ironic_deploy_ramdisk: <pxe_deploy_ramdisk_uuid>

Then, run cc-ansible deploy --tags ironic to deploy the change.

These will be used if not overridden for a specific node, which can be done via:

openstack hardware set --deploy_kernel <deploy_kernel_uuid> --deploy_ramdisk <deploy_ramdisk_uuid> <node_uuid>

Install the OpenStack Client

Run the following commands:

# run this in your home directory
cd ~
# create a new virtualenv, and use it
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# update to a recent version of pip
pip install --upgrade pip

# install the openstack client libraries
pip install python-openstackclient python-doniclient python-ironicclient

Set up admin auth

post-deploy will create a file named in your site-config directory. This file shouldn't be checked into source control, as it contains secrets.

To use it, run source $CC_ANSIBLE_SITE/

This will set a variety of environment variables, all prefixed with OS_

Verify that it works by running openstack token issue

Add federated users to admin group (optional)

It's recommended to use individual user accounts to log in, rather than the built-in superadmin account. You can users to the admin project as follows:

  1. Get their UUID from openstack user show <username> or look for them in openstack user list. They will need to have logged into the site at least once to appear here.

  2. Add them to the openstack project. openstack role add --user <user_uuid> --project openstack admin

Enroll Baremetal nodes

Follow the steps in Hardware management to enroll nodes in your testbed.

Last updated