Network Overview
Where all the moving parts are
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Where all the moving parts are
Last updated
This page describes the overall architecture for our "standard" deployment of OpenStack, and where applicable, calls out that a concept is a subset of the required Background Reading.
There are two API networks to consider.
First is the internal api network, used for internal communication between OpenStack services and Databases. We refer to this interface as the api_interface
in configuration, as each OpenStack service binds to the system configured IP address on this interface. Exposing this either to users, or externally can be a security risk, so we require a dedicated network and subnet.
The second is the public api network, which is how users and user instances communicate with the OpenStack services. We refer to this interface as the kolla_external_vip_interface
in configuration.
Each of the above networks require an interface, subnet, and IP address configured on the controller node. HAProxy will then bind an additional IP address to each of the interfaces, and forward traffic as needed to the backend OpenStack services.
Independent from the API networking, OpenStack Neutron manages networking for tenants, connecting Baremetal Nodes to each other, as well as providing internet access via NAT, and Floating IPs.
Here, Tenant Public Network
refers to a network where tenants can request Floating IPs, and that their instances can use to reach the internet. So long as IP addresses do not overlap, this can be the same network as the Public API network above, but does not need to be.
You CANNOT directly use the same interface for the public API and the neutron external interface. They must either be two separate interfaces, connected to the same network, OR use a virtual interface (veth) pair to connect them internally.
Without doing this, external host networking will depend on the openvswitch container running, causing a circular dependency. Debugging this will likely lock you out of the system, and cause an outage.
The Tenant Internal Network(s)
refers to the range of networks that tenants may allocate, local to the cluster.
As tenants can create an arbitrary amount of traffic, it is recommended that these interface(s) are kept independent from those used for API or administrative traffic.
Neutron creates and manages networks with namespaced sets of IPTables rules for routing, NAT, firewalling, etc, and connects these namespaces with OpenVSwitch bridges, either internally, or to external interfaces. Each interface + OVS Bridge can carry a set of networks corresponding to a range of Vlans + a single untagged vlan. Each of these sets of networks is referred to as a Physical Network
in Neutron.
As shown in the above diagram, Neutron will create and manage Public, Floating IP addresses in such a router namespace, and NAT private IPs from tenant networks to this public network. User instances can reach the internet through this NAT, and can optionally bind a floating IP address to their private IP for 1-1 NAT.
Although the diagram shows two physical networks, the same could be accomplished with two Vlan IDs on one physical network, or a vlan ID + untagged network.
In addition to the tenant created and managed networks, two "special" networks are created by the administrative project in the same Physical Network.
This network is used for loading an image onto a baremetal node, as well as optionally cleaning them between users. When an instance is launched, the baremetal node will be attached to this network, netboot an agent, download a new disk image, and finally be attached to a target tenant network.
Provisioned user instances should not be on this network, as its a security risk. However, this is unavoidable if baremetal nodes are used without a network supporting VLANs.
Since the agent must communicate with the internal api interface on the controller node, the ironic provisioning network must be able to route to the internal api network. The simplest way to accomplish this is to route via an additional vlan interface on the controller node.
A default "shared" network can be created, usable as an internal network by any tenant. This is the simplest configuration, and is sufficient for users who only care about access to their instance. However, it does not provide isolation between user instances.
In a flat networking configuration, this is the only user-facing network, and also serves as the ironic network, with above caveats.
The following networks are optional, and may be combined depending on your local site's networking environment. They are outside the scope of CHI-in-a-box / Kolla-Ansible / OpenStack's configuration, and must be configured at the system level.
The controller node (or node running ironic conductor service), must have L3 access to the out of band controller for all baremetal nodes. This can be routed access from one of the other interfaces, or a dedicated connection.
If using vlans with baremetal nodes, Neutron must connect to the dataplane switches to customize the access Vlan on each instance launch. Neutron-server must have L3 access to the management IP for each switch. We highly recommend to use the dedicated management interface on each switch, rather than in-band connectivity.
You will likely want to ssh into your controller nodes for administrative purposes. The internal api interface is commonly used for this purpose.
Interface Names and Vlan IDs here are only examples, customize as needed
Putting it all together, you can see there are plenty of moving parts. We'll define the following network name -> vlan mapping:
Public API Network (Green: Vlan 1000)
Internal API network (Red: Vlan 1001)
Public Tenant network (Green: Vlan 1000), and reusing the same network as the public API
Internal Tenant Network Range (Blue: Vlans 1002-1200)
Ironic-Provisioning Network (Orange: Vlan 1002, A special case of the internal tenant networks)
Here we show an example with three physical interfaces. On the host OS, the following configuration is needed:
3 vlan interfaces are attached to Eth0
Eth0.1000 used for the Public API interface, with an IP address assigned
Eth0.1001 used for the Internal API interface, with an IP address assigned
Eth0.1002 used for the Ironic Provisioning interface, with an IP address assigned
Eth1 left unconfigured, it will be managed by Neutron as the external interface for the Physical Network Physnet1
Eth2 is used to access the dataplane switch mgmt interface, as well as IPMI on the compute nodes. An IP address in should be assigned in the same subnet as those devices.
For this diagram, we assume that the above networks are all present on the cluster's dataplane switch, and the following ports configured:
Uplink, access port with Vlan 1000
Trunk for Controller API Interfaces, carrying vlans 1000,1001,1002
Trunk for Neutron external interface, carrying vlans 1000,1002-1200
Switchport connected to eth0 on each Baremetal Node, configured as an untagged, access port. The Neutron service will dynamically configure the access vlan on these ports, from the range 1002-1200.
If needed, the Public API and Public Tenant networks can be provided via a separate switch and physical interface on the controller node.
The switch must be configured to allow SSH login via the separate, out-of-band management interface, and that interface and IP address reachable by the controller node.
A separate, 1G management switch carries the following networks, either as vlans, or a single flat network.
Controller Node access to Baremetal Node IPMI
Controller Node access to Dataplane Switch's SSH management interface
Local administrative SSH access, if desired
IP addresses and DHCP for IPMI, Switch Management, and administrative access are NOT managed by CHI-in-a-box. You'll need to configure static IPs, run your own DHCP server, or rely on an external service.