Disk image subscription

The sites can use the provided Chameleon image tools to deploy the Chameleon-supported images and set up periodic tasks for automatic image deployment and/or cleanup.


The image tools are by default installed onto the control node in the site configuration Ansible inventory. The configuration steps are included in the post-deploy. You can also manually configure the image tools by running the chameleon_image_tools playbook.

cc-ansible --playbook playbooks/chameleon_image_tools.yml

The configuration steps will pull the latest chameleon_image_tools docker image and prepare the configuration file that is required for using the tools.


The image deployer allows the sites to pull the latest Chameleon-supported images and deploy the images to the site. The deployed Chameleon-supported images are owned by the site admin project and have the public visibility.

By default, the automatic deployment task is disabled. To enable the task, set enable_image_deployer: yes in the site defaults.yml. Then, run the post-deploy or run the chameleon_image_tools playbook. The automatic deployment task runs daily to check if there are new (version of) Chameleon-supported images that have been released and deploy all new images to the site. You can check the installed automatic deployment task via the systemd timers.

systemctl list-timers 'image_deploy'

You can also deploy the images manually by running the following commands:

# to deploy a specific image
docker run --rm --net=host -v "/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml:/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml" \
docker.chameleoncloud.org/chameleon_image_tools:latest deploy \
--site-yaml /etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml \
--image <image_id>

# to deploy by image properties
docker run --rm --net=host -v "/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml:/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml" \
docker.chameleoncloud.org/chameleon_image_tools:latest deploy \
--site-yaml /etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml \
--latest <distro>,<release>,<variant>


To avoid accumulation of the older version and deprecated Chameleon-supported images in your site, we implement an image cleaning tool that cleans up images. The tool will:

  • Check and skip the images that are currently used by any instance.

  • Hide images that are 12 months or older (i.e. set visibility of the images to private). You can also tune this number by overwriting hide_image_age_in_month in the site defaults.yml.

  • Delete images that are 18 months or older. You can also tune this number by overwriting delete_image_age_in_month in the site defaults.yml.

By default, the automatic cleaning task is disabled. To enable the task, set enable_image_cleaner: yes in the site defaults.yml. Then, run the post-deploy or run the chameleon_image_tools playbook. The automatic cleaning task runs daily to hide or delete the older version and deprecated Chameleon-supported images. You can check the installed automatic cleaning task via the systemd timers.

systemctl list-timers 'image_clean'

You can also clean the images manually by running the following command:

docker run --rm --net=host -v "/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml:/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml" \
docker.chameleoncloud.org/chameleon_image_tools:latest clean \
--site-yaml /etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml

To perform a dry-run, add --dry-run flag to the above command to only print without actual hiding and deleting.

IPA Image Tester

Ironic Python Agent (IPA) is an agent for controlling and deploying Ironic controlled baremetal nodes. In order to support various hardware types, Chameleon builds and deploys custom IPA images based on OpenStack upstream releases. To deploy Chameleon IPA images to site Glance, please use the deployer tool.

Please note that the Chameleon IPA images are released without testing on all node types. It is fine as none of your site nodes is using the newly released images until you set them so. The IPA image tester will

  • Test the IPA images on a specified node type

  • Update all nodes of the type to use the new images if the images pass the test (optional)

To test the latest IPA images, run the following command:

docker run --rm --net=host -v "/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml:/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml" \
docker.chameleoncloud.org/chameleon_image_tools:latest ipa_test \
--site-yaml /etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml \
--node-type <node_type>

If you want to test specific IPA images, run the following command:

docker run --rm --net=host -v "/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml:/etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml" \
docker.chameleoncloud.org/chameleon_image_tools:latest ipa_test \
--site-yaml /etc/chameleon_image_tools/site.yaml \
--node-type <node_type> \
--initramfs-image <initramfs_image_id> \
--kernel-image <kernel_image_id>

If you would like to update all nodes of the node type to use the tested IPA images, simply add --push to the above commands. Please note that the nodes under use would fail on setting IPA images. You can also use OpenStack CLI to manually update the node.

openstack baremetal node set <node_uuid> \
--driver-info deploy_kernel=<kernel image> \
--driver-info deploy_ramdisk=<ramdisk image>

Last updated