Using Private Registries

If you want to launch a container on CHI@Edge using a private image, follow these instructions

This guide will show you how to setup and use a private registry with CHI@Edge. This allows you to use a private image behind authentication.

In order to setup a private registry, you first must add the registry and credentials to via the CLI.

Install the Openstack Zun client

pip install python-zunclient

Next, you will need to download the OpenRC file from the CHI@Edge site. This process is the same as from the main Chameleon sites, and is documented here. After sourcing this file, run the following command:

openstack appcontainer registry create \
    --username USERNAME \
    --password PASSWORD \
    --domain DOMAIN

The domain here should be the domain used when tagging your image. For example, Docker Hub would use the domain

After the registry is setup, you can use CHI@Edge as normal. To use a private image, include the domain in the image name, for example This will then automatically load your stored credentials for the matching domain before the container is created, and use them to pull the image.

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